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Purposes and Objectives

Membership of the Los Angeles Bankruptcy Forum

Los Angeles Bankruptcy Forum strives to promote the highest standards in the practice of bankruptcy and insolvency law; to provide educational programs and related services; to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and information relating to the courts, substantive law, current and proposed legislation, local rules, federal rules, and other areas of practice and procedure arising in connection with insolvency or bankruptcy law.

The Los Angeles Bankruptcy Forum's membership is diverse. Members include bankruptcy judges, attorneys, and other professionals (including accountants, receivers, trustees, assignees, auctioneers, management and turnaround specialists). The Clerk of the Court and the United States Trustee actively participate in the Forum. This diversity ensures a balanced approach to education and practice issues and provides opportunities for networking among a wide cross-section of the local insolvency community.

The California Bankruptcy Forum
The Los Angeles Bankruptcy Forum is affiliated with and a major supporter of the California Bankruptcy Forum. The CBF produces an annual statewide conference for California's insolvency community and publishes the California Bankruptcy Journal.

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